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Your Account

Manage your First Person subscription

How do I create an account?

In the right hand corner of your screen select the option "Sign in". Under the title, Subscription, you will want to select the option "Sign up". If you have never created an account you will want to start here, EVEN if you have already purchased or

I'm having trouble logging into my account.

Firstly, you will want to ensure you have created an account. We do not require you to make an account when your first subscribe. You would needed to do this after the fact. You can follow these following steps, HERE, to make your account. You will w

How do I manage my subscription?

You will want to make sure you have created an account. Click HERE if you still need to set up your account. Once you are logged into your account, scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Your customer

How do I add a product?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Subscription" tab from the top menu bar. Once into your subscription. Select the

How do I swap products?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Subscriptions" tab from the top menu bar. From here you will select the product

How do I update my credit card?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Payment methods" tab from the top menu bar. From this section, you will be able

How do I change the quantity of my products?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Subscriptions" tab from the top menu bar. From here you will select the product

How do I change my shipping address?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Shipping addresses" tab from the top menu bar. From this section, you will be ab

How do I change my order date?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Upcoming orders" tab from the top menu bar. On your next upcoming order, select

How do I skip a shipment?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Upcoming orders" tab from the top menu bar. On your next upcoming order, select

How to change my shipment frequency?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. From the popup, you can now adjust your shipment frequency accordingly. (Our system is only set up to ship in terms

How do I pause my subscription?

There are two ways to "pause" your subscription. One, you can skip a delivery or several from the Delivery Schedule section of your Account page. Follow these STEPS to skip your order. Or alternatively, you can adjust your next order date. This would

How do I update my email address?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Select any one of the supplements in your subscription. Scroll down the page until you see the section that lists y

How do I add a discount code?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Subscriptions" tab from the top menu bar. Select any one of the supplements in y

How do I view my previous subscription orders?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. Next, you will want to select the "Purchase history" tab from the top menu bar. In this section, all your previous

My credit card payment failed.

You can update your credit card on file using the following steps - HERE. If needed, let our support team know once your CC has been updated so that we can ensure your order is processed ([email protected]). If you are still having trouble u

How do I process my upcoming order today?

First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the bottom of the page to select the option to manage your subscription. On your next upcoming order, select "Edit". On this next page you will scroll down until you see the "Order now" bu

How do I get just refill sachets of my supplements?

After you receive your first subscription order of a specific First Person supplement, moving forward your account will automatically switch the upcoming shipments of this particular supplement to refill sachets only. However, if you remove a supplem

How do I cancel my subscription?

(Please note that any changes or cancellations must be finalized at least 24 hours prior to a new order processing. Orders that are already in process cannot be changed or cancelled). First, you will want to login to your account. Scroll down to the

How do I view all my previous orders?

First, you will want to login to your account. Next, you will want to select the option "Order History" from the menu on the left hand side of the page. In this section, all your previous subscription orders will be listed. Click into each as needed.